Barn owl needs to hunt after days of rain – Watch & See what happens!
Last Update:
February 11, 2025
In this Video, “Buster”, the Barn Owl, is on a mission. He needs to hunt and provide food for Bella, who is sitting on 5 eggs. With days of rain making hunting a challenge, the urgency for food is mounting for Bella. As the rain storms clear, Buster can finally go out and find prey, and he really steps up to the mark to bring food gifts back for Bella in a very short space of time. The first egg is due to hatch next week (3rd June 2024), so please subscribe and watch them hatch and grow up on my live feed that’s streaming now on this channel. If you have sound, it’s worth switching it on for this video, as the owls communicate a lot with each other. Watching them live on a TV-enabled with YouTube is great viewing, too!
If you have sound, it’s worth switching it on for this video, as a music track overlays the footage to create some sense of tension between the two owls.
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